Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
#47 - The impacts of climate change on human health
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
What are the impacts of climate change on human health?
Climate change is a large public health threat, it impacts all aspects of human health from physical to mental. Dr. Neelu Tummala joins us to discuss how we are seeing the direct effects of climate change on human health. She also shares ways that both patients and doctors can take action to help combat climate change.
The face of climate change is no longer the polar bear, it is your son, your grandma, your neighbour, and even you!
What we cover in this climate change episode:
How is climate change impacting our health?
Why are doctors are concerned about the increased length of pollen allergy season?
What can doctors and patients do to make a difference with climate change?
Understanding what changes the government can do such as the Build Back Better Act
Supporting local organizations
Energy efficiency home
Building awareness: if you are living with a condition that is affected by climate change and your environment - talk about it!
How climate change is impacting lower-income communities more than wealthy communities?
Dr. Tummala explains why you want to talk about climate change with your doctor
The importance of being aware of the air quality index
How much impact does an individual have versus a government or big company?
Plant-based diet - what if you love eating steak?
Is recycling actually worth it?
Helpful resources:
More about Dr. Neelu Tammula
Dr. Neelu Tummala is a board-certified physician, surgeon, writer and climate advocate who has a special interest in education and advocacy concerning the health effects of climate change and environmental injustice.
She is on the Steering Committee for Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action and is a trained Climate Reality Leader. She has worked with the American Lung Association, Union of Concerned Scientists, The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health, and Environment Virginia as a volunteer activist and educator.
Follow Dr. Tummala on social media:
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
#46 - Allergy, headache and migraine - How are they related
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
How are headaches related to allergies?
If you have allergies or don’t have allergies, but you get your fair share of headaches and or migraines this episode is for you.
We are joined by Dr. Huma Sheikh a board-certified Neurologist-Headache and Vascular Disorder Specialist. She gives us the 101 on all things headaches and migraines and lays out the connection between headaches and allergies. If you say you have sinus headaches then you will be sorely surprised to learn that is not a medical condition.
What we cover in this importance of sleep episode
What are headaches?
What is the trigeminal nerve, why is it important in headaches?
What is homeostasis?
Primary and secondary headaches - when headaches are a symptom and when is a headache the main disease such as a migraine.
How are allergies and headaches linked?
The link between allergies and migraines?
What is a sinus headache?
Cross-over between allergies of the eyes and nose and headaches.
What is trigeminal neuralgia? How to differentiate it from allergies.
When should someone see a headache specialist?
Comorbidities and migraines.
How are migraines diagnosed?
Can certain foods and food intolerances cause headaches?
Can histamines cause headaches?
How are headaches and migraines treated?
NSAIDs - how do these medications work? What is an NSAID allergy?
How do you know that you need to see a doctor about your headaches?
Dr. Sheikh: @headachesnyc: https://www.instagram.com/headachesnyc/?hl=en
NSAID list:
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
#45 The importance of sleep and allergies
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
#44 - What is Oral Immunotherapy
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Oral Immunotherapy, OIT, has been on a lot of food allergy minds lately, especially with the FDA approval of PALFORZIA (the peanut pill).
Dr. G and Kortney talk with Dr. Gharfeh is a double board-certified pediatric trained allergist/immunologist practicing in Oklahoma City. She has first-hand knowledge when it comes to OIT as she practices in clinic and has recently undergone OIT with her daughter.
What we cover in this episode on Oral Immunotherapy
- The types of immunotherapy including OIT, SLIT, and epicutaneous.
- The current research and status of OIT for the different allergens.
- The status of peanut for OIT.
- Unpack the advantages and disadvantages of Palforzia, the FDA-approved peanut pill.
- Outline the process of OIT at the allergist office.
- What happens is if you react during OIT.
- How allergists ensure the protein in the doses are used for OIT.
- The pros and cons of doing oral immunotherapy as a patient and as a family such as the time commitment and risks of OIT.
- The reason why OIT is mostly targeted to under 18s.
- The side effects of OIT.
- Risk of developing EOE during OIT.
- Current unknown of OIT - will the desensitization last? How long will the patient need to take the maintenance dose?
- What should a patient think about when considering OIT
- How many foods you can do at a time with OIT
- Dr Gharfeh shares her personal experience doing OIT with her daughter
- Palforza: https://www.palforzia.com/
- Dr. Wasserman, the protocol Dr. Garfeh and her colleagues follow: https://www.allergypartners.com/northtexas/doctors/?providerid=796
- Dr. Maya N. Gharfeh's bio: https://oklahomaallergy.com/team/maya-gharfeh/
- Dr. Garfeh on Instagram @allergistmama and Twitter @Maya Gharfeh MD
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Can you be allergic to semen?
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
#43: Food Allergy Myth Busting 2
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Time to tackle some common food allergy myths and listener questions.
Dr. Wright, a board-certified allergist and Medical Director at Thermo Fisher Scientific, joins Dr. G and Kortney to bust common misconceptions that circulate around food allergies as well as answer your questions.
What we cover in this episode:
- The difference between food allergy and food intolerance.
- How an allergist diagnoses a food intolerance.
- What medication exists for people with intolerances and how they work.
- How likely is it for your second child to develop a food allergy if their sibling does.
- Should you get your child tested for an allergy before introducing an allergenic food?
- If your child has eczema will they develop a food allergy?
- If you are allergic to peanuts will you also be allergic to legumes?
- If taking a food out of your diet will lead you to become sensitized to it and potentially develop an allergy to it?
- Is it true that when your allergen appears on a may contain label, you have to 100% avoid eating it?
- When it is appropriate to use Benadryl for an allergic reaction.
- The importance of epinephrine auto-injectors.
- Why you should not become complacent about having “little reactions”.
- Can antihistamines mask anaphylaxis?
- Will throwing up the food with an allergen in it lessen your chances of having a reaction?
- Could you have an allergic reaction if you did not swallow the food with your allergen in it?
This episode was sponsored by Allergy Insider.
Additional Resources:
Allergy Insider
- Allergy Insider: https://www.thermofisher.com/diagnostic-education/patient/us/en/allergy.html?cid=0so_3pc_01062021_L5HBXE
- Follow @allergyinsider on Instagram for more information on allergies: https://www.instagram.com/allergyinsider/
- Follow Allergy Insider on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllergyInsiderUS/
- Follow Dr. Wright on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.wright_allergist/
More information about:
- Food Allergy vs. Food Intolerance: https://www.thermofisher.com/diagnostic-education/patient/us/en/blog/food-allergy-vs-food-intolerance-blog.html?redirect=false&cid=0so_3pc_01062021_L5HBXE
- How to read a label: https://www.thermofisher.com/diagnostic-education/patient/us/en/blog/how-to-read-a-food-label.html?redirect=false&cid=0so_3pc_01062021_L5HBXE
- How to Prepare for a Food Allergy Emergency: https://www.thermofisher.com/diagnostic-education/patient/us/en/blog/how-to-prepare-for-a-food-allergy-emergency.html?redirect=false&cid=0so_3pc_01062021_L5HBXE
Relevant The Itch Episodes:
- Ep. 22: Food Allergy Myth Busting - https://www.itchpodcast.com/post/episode-22
- Ep. 42: What are cross-reactive allergens? - https://www.itchpodcast.com/post/cross-reactive-allergens
- Ep. 2: The science behind an allergic reaction - https://www.itchpodcast.com/post/episode-2
Thursday May 27, 2021
#42 - What are cross-reactive allergens?
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
Do certain foods make your mouth itchy? We may have the reason why!
In this episode, Dr. G and Kortney are joined by Dr. Wright, a board-certified allergist and Medical Director at Thermo Fisher Scientific, as they demystify cross-reactivity in food allergies.
What we cover in this episode:
- What is cross-reactivity? Cross-reactivity with pollen versus cross-reactivity between IgE mediated allergens.
- What is oral allergy syndrome (OAS), and why do allergists prefer pollen food allergy syndrome?
- The difference between OAS and true food allergies causing anaphylaxis.
- How do you know it is an allergy due to pollen cross-reactivity (OAS)?
- What are the symptoms of OAS?
- How is oral allergy syndrome diagnosed?
- Can you have anaphylaxis to foods that OAS causes?
- Are there some fruits and vegetable varieties that are better for people to eat who have OAS?
- When do people start to develop OAS?
- Who would typically develop OAS?
- The cross-reactive pollens and their cross-reactive foods.
- The types of tests available for testing cross-reactive allergens: skin prick, blood test and component testing.
- How to determine if a food is an allergen due to pollen cross-reactivity or IgE mediated.
- Why would you consider getting component testing?
- How component testing can help determine if you can tolerate baked eggs and baked milk.
- How to determine if you are a candidate for an oral challenge.
This episode is sponsored by Allergy Insider.
Additional Resources:
Allergy Insider
- Follow @allergyinsider on Instagram for more information on allergies: https://www.instagram.com/allergyinsider/
- Follow Allergy Insider on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllergyInsiderUS/
- Allergy Insider’s #ThatKid Campaign: https://www.thermofisher.com/diagnostic-education/patient/us/en/that-kid.html
- Follow Dr. Kia Wright on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.wright_allergist/
More information about:
- Understanding allergy cross-reactivity: https://www.thermofisher.com/diagnostic-education/patient/us/en/understanding-allergies/cross-reactivity.html
- Component testing: In the US, component testing available: Milk, egg, peanuts, some tree nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashew)
- More information about allergy testing: https://www.thermofisher.com/diagnostic-education/patient/us/en/testing-for-allergy-triggers.html
Relevant The Itch Episodes:
- Ep. 34: What are allergies of the eyes and nose (environmental allergies): https://www.itchpodcast.com/post/episode-34
- Ep. 35: How to treat environmental allergies (allergies of the eyes and nose): https://www.itchpodcast.com/post/episode-35
- Ep. 5: The types of food allergy testing & why they can be so hard to interpret: https://www.itchpodcast.com/post/episode-5
Tuesday May 04, 2021
#41 - Climate change’s impact on asthma and allergies
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
What we cover in this episode:
Impact of climate change and air pollution for seasonal allergies and asthma.
What are seasonal allergies?
Air quality:
Why people with environmental allergies and asthma should pay attention to it
Air quality index
Indoor air quality should not be ignored.
Climate change:
Warmer temperature’s impact pollen
Earlier pollen season, frost comes later
Covid-19 and asthma:
The outcomes are not worse
How to differentiate if it is Covid-19 or seasonal allergies (Hay Fever does not mean fever is a symptom)
Why talking to your doctor and getting your asthma under control is so important for your health
What mask-wearing can signal about your asthma
Signs of uncontrolled asthma
Allergy Capitals Report and Asthma Capitals Report made by AAFA
What are they measuring and why is this important?
Cities/urban environments are a good place to look at what the impacts of climate change will look like in the future for individuals with asthma and allergies
How to minimize your allergy symptoms
Additional resources:
AAFA Online community: aafa.org/join
AAFA’s 2021 Allergy Capitals™ report: allergycapitals.com
Facebook: @AAFANational
Instagram: @aafanational
Twitter: @AAFANational
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
#40 - Food allergies in the media - the good and the bad
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Dr. G and Kortney chat with Dr. Manisha Relan about how food allergies are portrayed in the media both the bad and good sides. They briefly talk about the medical side of anaphylaxis before diving head first into breaking down some famous food allergy scenes.
Dr. Manisha Relan is a pediatric allergist and clinical immunologist at a private practice in central New York, where she sees both children and adults for all things allergy. She loves learning and teaching. During fellowship, she was in charge of anaphylaxis training via a simulation lab experience; in her practice she is passionate about women’s health, food allergies, rhinitis, and immunotherapy. She maintains a personal professional Instagram account @pedsallergymd where you can follow her for more.
What we cover in this episode:
The 3 definitions of anaphylaxis.
How movies and TV shows help patients describe their allergic reactions.
How allergists use movies and TV shows to help understand what their patients have experienced.
Why media should ensure they are properly portraying food allergies.
The negative impacts of media using food allergies as a joke. How does this directly impact the food allergy community?
The misinformation being portrayed by the media when showing an allergic reaction.
Beyond humour, the other focus in media is harming people who have food allergies. How does this bullying impact people managing allergies?
Should kids sit at an allergy table?
What shows are doing it right?
The scenes discussed in this podcast episode:
Adults Reacting
Friends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub3sE1ww6ac
- Allergy: kiwi.
- Ross is allergic to lobster, peanuts, kiwi. He eats a kiwi-lime pie thinking it was key-lime.
- Symptoms: throat/tongue swelling
- Treatment: goes to hospital
Hitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdDPoFcBZEY
- Allergy: seafood.
- Symptoms: throat feels itchy (trying to scratch the throat), swelling.
- Treatment: Running to a pharmacy, buying Benadryl is not an accurate way to treat it.
Monster-in-Law: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHpyl6uVPrw, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8XC_Zee8XA
- Allergy: almonds.
- Symptoms: tongue swelling and lips.
- Treatment: not shown
Peter Rabbit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VwWPnHZMrs
- Allergy: blackberry
- Symptoms: not really shown
- Treatment: Has epipen on him, no hesitation to use it.
Kids/Teens Reacting
Daniel Tiger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysEk_aLvGYg
- Allergy: peach
- Symptoms: itchy, hives - red bumps, tummy ache
- Treatment: liquid medication
Arthur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ5JB7z7nOk
- Allergy: peanut
- Symptoms: itchy
- Treatment: adrenaline pen
Freaks and Geeks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE65VbUBGbI
- Allergy: peanut
- Symptoms: we just see him on a stretcher with an oxygen mask, coma
- Treatment: called ambulance
Additional resources:
- List of other scenes portraying allergic reactions from Everyday Allergen-Free
- Opper, C. E. (2015). Food Allergy Framing in Entertainment Media: The Use of Humor and Its Influence on Health Thoughts and Behavior [Senior Honors Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill]. Carolina Digital Repository.
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
#39 - Urticaria: what causes hives?
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Urticaria, also known as hives can be triggered by many things. From the heat to water, to the spontaneous hive, these can be a burden for many patients. Knowing what triggers urticaria can help manage hives and lessen their impact on the quality of life. Hives may feel mysterious, but they don’t have to be.
Today Dr Patel, a double board-certified Allergist/Immunologist, joins us to discuss the causes of urticaria, how urticaria is diagnosed and how it is treated.
What we cover:
- What is urticaria, more commonly known as hives.
- What does urticaria look like? How do you know they are hives?
- Who typically gets urticaria?
- What are the causes of urticaria?
- What is a rash? A hive is a kind of rash.
- Chronic versus acute hives.
- Types of urticaria:
- Idiopathic urticaria (spontaneous urticaria)
- Physical urticarias:
- Dermatographic
- Pressure urticaria
- Vibration urticaria
- Aquagenic urticaria
- Cholinergic urticaria (exercise)
- Cold urticaria
- Heat urticaria
- Solar urticaria
- How stress impacts hives and allergic responses.
- How is urticaria diagnosed?
- Why you want to see an allergist about urticaria.
- Ways to treat urticaria: Antihistamines, Xolair (omalizumab), Immunosuppressants, Topic medication, Oral steroids
- Are urticaria and eczema linked?
- Impact of having hives on daily life.
Useful Links: The two meditation apps Kortney highly recommends are Insight Timer and Waking Up.