
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
#53 - Shared Decision Making for Atopic Dermatitis & Your Health Care Team
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Tips on how to make the best of your atopic dermatitis management and care plan.
Atopic dermatitis is not a diagnosis that you should go at alone. Your care team can consist of multiple health care professionals, from your GP to a nurse, a therapist, and even your pharmacist. Additionally, you should be an active member in creating your healthcare plan since you are the one who needs to follow through with it day in and day out.
In this final episode of our Atopic Dermatitis in Skin of Color series, Dr. G and Kortney talk to Tonya Winders, the president of Allergy Asthma Network, to discuss the nurse's role in AD management and shared decision-making. Tonya also shares her experiences of having a daughter with atopic dermatitis and the psychological toll the disease can have on patients.
What we cover in this episode:
- Who can all be a part of your healthcare team
- Telehealth for atopic dermatitis
- Why decision aids are essential to use
Interview with Tonya Winters:
- Nurses in an outpatient setting - understanding their role in patients with atopic dermatitis.
- Nurse versus a nurse practitioner
- Developing an atopic dermatitis plan - asking what your goals are.
- Allergy and Asthma Network is working to help more nurses and physician assistants to become certified in managing atopic dermatitis.
- Shared decision making - what is it, and how can you be sure you are practicing this with your healthcare team
- How to talk to your doctor about your financial situation when making your treatment plan
- Using shared decision aids to help with shared decision making and as a guide to talking with your care team.
- The importance of addressing psychological health for people with atopic dermatitis
Helpful Links:
The role of the nurse in the care and management of patients with atopic dermatitis - Paper co-authored by Tonya: https://bmcnurs.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12912-020-00494-y
Shared Decision Making Aids: www.ithcpodcast.com

Thursday Sep 01, 2022
#52 - Medications for treating atopic dermatitis in all skin colors
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
You have been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis or you are experiencing an eczema flare, now what can you do to treat it?
In the fourth part of the series on atopic dermatitis in skin of color, Dr. G and Kortney discuss all medications available to treat AD, from topicals (creams) to oral medication and injections.
They also discuss how other strategies to treat AD that is more budget-conscious if your insurance does not cover certain medications.
What we cover in this atopic dermatitis in skin of color episode:
- Topical steroids: what are they, how to use them and their side effects
- Topical steroid withdrawal
- Other topicals that do not contain steroids
- Oral medication that may be prescribed for atopic dermatitis: oral steroids, antibiotics and antihistamines
- Biologics: what are they and their side effects
- Wet wrapping
- Phototherapy
From Shiv
- How to wet wrap and why she likes this form of treatment
Helpful atopic dermatitis in skin of color resources:
Non-Steroidal Topicals
- Calcineurin inhibitors - tacrolimus ointment (Protopic) and pimecrolimus cream (Elidel)
- Phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor - crisaborole (Eucrisa)
- JAK inhibitors.
Bleach bath recipe from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI)
- Add ¼ - ½ cup of common 5% household bleach to a bathtub full of water (40 gallons).
- Soak your torso or just the affected part of your skin for about 10 minutes
- Limit diluted bleach baths to no more than twice a week.
More information about AD in skin of color: https://eczemainskinofcolor.org/eczema-diagnosis-skin-of-color/

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Practical tips about skin care maintenance for atopic dermatitis
In the third part of our 5 part series in collaboration with the Allergy & Asthma Network on atopic dermatitis in skin of color we are talking all about taking care of your skin and how to make your living environment more atopic dermatitis friendly.
Dr. G and Kortney the importance of skin hydration; the best ways to moisturize and shower. They also share ways to ensure your living environment is optimized for good skin conditions, from cleaning products to carpets. Finally, they go over the psychological side of atopic dermatitis and how to maintain balance in the body and the mind.
What we cover in this atopic dermatitis in skin of color episode:
Understanding the importance of keeping atopic skin hydrated.
How to break the itch-scratch-rash cycle.
Skincare: bathing and moisturizing - the preferred types of cleansers and moisturizers to use.
How to make your living environment atopic dermatitis friendly.
Sleep hygiene for atopic dermatitis.
Managing stress to help control eczema - some things that can help you.
Strategies to stop scratching.
From Shiv
How moving helped her flares.
Seeking therapy was important to her mental health and skin healing.
Helpful atopic dermatitis in skin of color resources:
Resource for AD in skin of color: https://eczemainskinofcolor.org/eczema-diagnosis-skin-of-color/
Dr G and Kortney discuss yoga for asthma - many of the tips can also apply to atopic dermatitis:https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/news/does-yoga-benefit-asthma/
More eczema episodes: https://www.itchpodcast.com/eczema
Yoga for asthma podcast: https://www.itchpodcast.com/episodes/48-yoga-asthma
Meet Shiv on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shivaika/

Thursday Jul 14, 2022
#50 - Diagnosing AD in patients with skin of color
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
How do doctors diagnose atopic dermatitis in skin of color?
In the second part of our 5 part series in collaboration with the Allergy & Asthma Network on atopic dermatitis in skin of color we are talking about diagnosis!
Dr. G and Kortney discuss all of the tests involved in diagnosing atopic dermatitis (AD) in people with skin color. They also cover all of the skin conditions that are ruled out when a doctor is making a diagnosis and the importance of patient history in diagnosis.
What we cover in this episode:
• A quick overview of what AD looks like in skin of color
• Skin conditions that may look like atopic dermatitis and common misdiagnosis
• The symptoms doctors look for when diagnosing atopic dermatitis
• Explanations of the tests doctors use to diagnose atopic dermatitis- IgE blood test, component blood test, skin prick test, patch testing,and skin biopsy
• How to diagnose eczema in babies and the link to food allergies
• The other factors that doctors take into account when diagnosing AD - the importance of patient history
From Shiv:
• Shiv shares her experiences with being diagnosed with atopic dermatitis and her experiences with different doctors.
Helpful Links:
• Link to images of AD in skin of color: https://eczemainskinofcolor.org/image-library/
• “What is eczema” from Allergy & Asthma Network: https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/what-is-eczema/
• More about Shiv: https://www.instagram.com/shivaika/

Thursday Jun 23, 2022
#49 - Understanding Atopic Dermatitis in Skin of Color
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
This is the first episode of our 5 part series in collaboration with the Allergy & Asthma Network about atopic dermatitis in skin of color.
In the first episode, we are going to talk about atopic dermatitis (AD) in people with skin of color. Atopic dermatitis affects everyone differently, which means it does not look the same on everyone or in every skin color. It is important to recognize this and to raise awareness on how AD impacts certain populations differently than others.
Along with Kortney, Dr. G will be sharing her expertise as an allergist and will be overviewing the basics of AD. Special guest Shiv Sewlal shares her personal experiences with atopic dermatitis.
What we cover in this episode
• Why are we doing a podcast series about atopic dermatitis (AD) in people with skin of color?
• What is atopic dermatitis?
• Is eczema the same thing as atopic dermatitis?
• What is the difference between child onset versus adult-onset atopic dermatitis? Can you develop AD as an adult?
• Why is atopic dermatitis more prominent in people with skin of color?
• How can housing impact your skin?
• Why air conditioning can be helpful for people with atopic dermatitis.
• Why is atopic dermatitis underdiagnosed in patients with skin of color?
• What are the symptoms of AD in different skin colors?
• What are triggers? How do these make atopic dermatitis worse?
• How does mental health impact atopic dermatitis?
• What is the itch-scratch cycle?
• Who should you see if you think you have atopic dermatitis?
From Shiv
• Shiv shares what her atopic dermatitis looks like
• Shiv and her mom’s experience with therapy to help with her skincare
Helpful Resources
• All our past atopic dermatitis episodes: https://www.itchpodcast.com/eczema
• More about Shiv: https://www.instagram.com/shivaika/
• "What is eczema" from Allergy & Asthma Network: https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/what-is-eczema/

Wednesday May 04, 2022
#48 - Yoga for asthma
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Can yoga help with asthma management and control?
We are releasing the ‘Yoga breathing exercises for asthma’ panel discussion that Dr. G and Kortney had in the late fall of 2021. This was one of 3 Living Well with Asthma Virtual Events organized by Allergy & Asthma Network and sponsored by GSK.
What we cover in this climate change episode:
- The benefits of yoga for your breath, asthma and overall health.
- How yoga gives you more body awareness that helps with asthma management.
- How to choose which form of yoga to do.
- When to use an albuterol inhaler before yoga.
- How to prepare for your first yoga class and what to look for.
- The difference between doing yoga at home vs doing yoga in a studio.
Q&A section:
- Can yoga help with vocal chord dysfunction?
- How about going to a studio during the pandemic?
- Do you need to modify your yoga practice due to age?
- Are there any medical conditions that would stop you from doing yoga?
Helpful resources:
- Kortney’s yoga tips: https://thezestfull.com/yoga-for-asthma/
- Watch the panel discussion here: https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/news/does-yoga-benefit-asthma/

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
#47 - The impacts of climate change on human health
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
What are the impacts of climate change on human health?
Climate change is a large public health threat, it impacts all aspects of human health from physical to mental. Dr. Neelu Tummala joins us to discuss how we are seeing the direct effects of climate change on human health. She also shares ways that both patients and doctors can take action to help combat climate change.
The face of climate change is no longer the polar bear, it is your son, your grandma, your neighbour, and even you!
What we cover in this climate change episode:
How is climate change impacting our health?
Why are doctors are concerned about the increased length of pollen allergy season?
What can doctors and patients do to make a difference with climate change?
Understanding what changes the government can do such as the Build Back Better Act
Supporting local organizations
Energy efficiency home
Building awareness: if you are living with a condition that is affected by climate change and your environment - talk about it!
How climate change is impacting lower-income communities more than wealthy communities?
Dr. Tummala explains why you want to talk about climate change with your doctor
The importance of being aware of the air quality index
How much impact does an individual have versus a government or big company?
Plant-based diet - what if you love eating steak?
Is recycling actually worth it?
Helpful resources:
More about Dr. Neelu Tammula
Dr. Neelu Tummala is a board-certified physician, surgeon, writer and climate advocate who has a special interest in education and advocacy concerning the health effects of climate change and environmental injustice.
She is on the Steering Committee for Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action and is a trained Climate Reality Leader. She has worked with the American Lung Association, Union of Concerned Scientists, The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health, and Environment Virginia as a volunteer activist and educator.
Follow Dr. Tummala on social media:

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
#46 - Allergy, headache and migraine - How are they related
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
How are headaches related to allergies?
If you have allergies or don’t have allergies, but you get your fair share of headaches and or migraines this episode is for you.
We are joined by Dr. Huma Sheikh a board-certified Neurologist-Headache and Vascular Disorder Specialist. She gives us the 101 on all things headaches and migraines and lays out the connection between headaches and allergies. If you say you have sinus headaches then you will be sorely surprised to learn that is not a medical condition.
What we cover in this importance of sleep episode
What are headaches?
What is the trigeminal nerve, why is it important in headaches?
What is homeostasis?
Primary and secondary headaches - when headaches are a symptom and when is a headache the main disease such as a migraine.
How are allergies and headaches linked?
The link between allergies and migraines?
What is a sinus headache?
Cross-over between allergies of the eyes and nose and headaches.
What is trigeminal neuralgia? How to differentiate it from allergies.
When should someone see a headache specialist?
Comorbidities and migraines.
How are migraines diagnosed?
Can certain foods and food intolerances cause headaches?
Can histamines cause headaches?
How are headaches and migraines treated?
NSAIDs - how do these medications work? What is an NSAID allergy?
How do you know that you need to see a doctor about your headaches?
Dr. Sheikh: @headachesnyc: https://www.instagram.com/headachesnyc/?hl=en
NSAID list:

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
#45 The importance of sleep and allergies
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021

Monday Aug 02, 2021
#44 - What is Oral Immunotherapy
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Oral Immunotherapy, OIT, has been on a lot of food allergy minds lately, especially with the FDA approval of PALFORZIA (the peanut pill).
Dr. G and Kortney talk with Dr. Gharfeh is a double board-certified pediatric trained allergist/immunologist practicing in Oklahoma City. She has first-hand knowledge when it comes to OIT as she practices in clinic and has recently undergone OIT with her daughter.
What we cover in this episode on Oral Immunotherapy
- The types of immunotherapy including OIT, SLIT, and epicutaneous.
- The current research and status of OIT for the different allergens.
- The status of peanut for OIT.
- Unpack the advantages and disadvantages of Palforzia, the FDA-approved peanut pill.
- Outline the process of OIT at the allergist office.
- What happens is if you react during OIT.
- How allergists ensure the protein in the doses are used for OIT.
- The pros and cons of doing oral immunotherapy as a patient and as a family such as the time commitment and risks of OIT.
- The reason why OIT is mostly targeted to under 18s.
- The side effects of OIT.
- Risk of developing EOE during OIT.
- Current unknown of OIT - will the desensitization last? How long will the patient need to take the maintenance dose?
- What should a patient think about when considering OIT
- How many foods you can do at a time with OIT
- Dr Gharfeh shares her personal experience doing OIT with her daughter
- Palforza: https://www.palforzia.com/
- Dr. Wasserman, the protocol Dr. Garfeh and her colleagues follow: https://www.allergypartners.com/northtexas/doctors/?providerid=796
- Dr. Maya N. Gharfeh's bio: https://oklahomaallergy.com/team/maya-gharfeh/
- Dr. Garfeh on Instagram @allergistmama and Twitter @Maya Gharfeh MD